One thought on “Class Notes – Submitted November, 2006

  1. (From Chris Manion,
    Tom, just saw the news of your Moscow trip, fascinating that you so easily uncovered evidence that I had been tracing without success since before Woodstock. By the way, John Hall played at Woodstock, and he was also responsible for the “We want Lola” march on South Bend on April 4, 1965. (I'll tell that story when I get paid by the word). My wife couldn't make heads or tails of your Moscow rumination/recollection, however.
    Glad to hear Denny Emmanuel is alive and well — I last saw him at Bob Bielski's wedding in 1972.
    So Lungren, Hall, and Ralph Neas can have a quorum off the House floor. John was wise to leave after freshman year (like Bill Gates at Harvard) so he could get rich and famous early in life. Speaking of which, you didn't mention my concert in the Arbat (in Moscow) on the last Mayday of the Soviet Union (1991). It got rave reviews, as well as over 300 rubles in donations, which I took right down to the Church of Saint Louis (much to the concern of my KGB minder), a couple of blocks from the Lubayanka and Dzherzhinsky Square. The trip was one of many sponsored by the American Foreign Policy Council (, which I founded with Herman Pirchner 25 years ago.
    Regarding our yearbook — when I visited with Tom Crowley ('68) in New York several years ago, I noted that essay on Viet Nam (my only appearance in said volume); I thought at the time (~2000) that my contribution held up a lot better than Foreest Hainline's, but then, who's grading prognosticators? (Ho, Ho, Ho CHi Minh Is Gonna win!)
    Other news: Manion Canyon, our farm on the east bank of the Saint Joe River on both sides of the Indiana-Michigan line, is now entirely a part of the Saint Joe County and Berrien County (in Michigan) Park systems; our family just donated the last 100 acres in a gift sale to the Park System. It's called “Saint Patrick's Park” in Indiana, and “Bertrand Park” in Michigan. While all the buildings have been removed (it looks just like the wilderness that our parents found there when they married in 1936). Classmates will be delighted to hear that the cabiin is still there in the woods, where we must have had a few hundred parties over the years. In fact, it can be **rented** on football weekends from the Saint Joe County park system! (I haven't indulged yet. I lived there for five years, and I know they'd never get rid of me if I got back inside).
    I think our classmate Vincent Marsicano is teaching in Italy, and pretty much lives there. I'm trying to track him down. If you draw a bead on George Flynn or Mike Irwin, both Innsbruckers from our class, please let me know.
    Keep the faith,
    Aure, but I still haven't a clue as to your Russian reverie regarding the
    anti-Manion conspiracy. I would have thought they would have zeroed in on
    Frank O'Malley or Joe Evans.
    On the other hand, it's nice to be remembered, even in a feverish Russian
    saga. Sounds like you guys had fun (assuming some of it was true). I guess
    we have to wait until they open the rest of the KGB files to know the whole
    My favorite moment was standing in front of Lenin's tomb on the last MayDay
    of the Soviet Union with Frank Shakespeare, our (former) Ambassador to the
    Vatican, reciting the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel in a quite
    stentorian fashion, much to the consternation of the guard posted in front
    of the place.
    Keep the faith,
    PS — four years ago, I cited that yearbook piece in an article I wrote (one
    of many) opposing the Iraq war. It appears I looked at it then, too. Here's
    the link:
    Lots more on related subjects here:
    Christopher Manion,, is president of Manion Music, LLC, which produces copyrighted, royalty-free music collections for telecommunications media and commercial and hospitality sites that use background music or music-on-hold. He writes from the Shenandoah Valley.

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