Mike Hampsey has a new CD of his music at a cost of $20 for classmates. Details from Hamps and former Hill Street roommate John Walsh are:
Hey figs:
I have cd's for sale-$20 ea postpaid….this is an all-instrumental acoustic affair with me on guitar, dobro,&bouzouki, backed by bass&tinwhistle—Christmas carols&Celtic instrumentals of the winter solstice…..jwalsh has one! Will send review from Erie(PA) Times-News.
Michael Hampsey [mikehampsey@worldconnx.net]
Hi everybody,
Mike Hampsey's received the second pressing of his Celtic Christmas CD, complete with artwork, and he's ready to start sending them out. It's beautiful music–dobro, bouzouki, tin whistle, guitar, bass–and you'll be 'way ahead of the curve for Christmas '07. You can send him $20, and he'll send a CD by return mail:
Michael Hampsey
P.O. Box 1433
P.O. Box 1433
Warren, PA 16365
Best to everyone!
John Walsh [JWALSH@pretzel-stouffer.com]