Mark Lies remembers the South Caf with Bob Raaf and Kenny Lefoldt

(Speaking of his attendance at the Michigan and North Carolina games) I had a mini-reunion with Bob Raaf who is retired and in from Cleveland and Kenny Lefoldt who is going strong with his own accounting firm who came in from Jackson, Miss. We were reminiscing on our time working together in the South Dining Hall as part of the food service crew and some of the bizarre things that other students did when they were going through the food line, as well as some of the mini-food fights and also throwing patts of butter up to stick on the ceiling of the dining hall. Take care and enjoy the holiday. – Mark Lies

Bob Raaf reconnects with old roommate Paul Swenson
by Bob Raaf on Tue 06 Feb 2007 05:49 PM CST  |  IP:
At our last class reunion, Pete Farrell mentioned to me that one of his top recruits for the Princeton women's track team was Paul Swenson's daughter Mia and that Paul was living in the Boston area. We hadn't seen each other since graduation weekend in 1968 and hadn't communicated since we both got out of the service in 1971.

After a trip to Boston earlier in the year to visit our daughter, Cindy, I came back and looked Paul up in the Alumni Directory and realized that I had passed within a few miles of his house. To make a long story short, I emailed Paul, he called back and we had a long conversation to catch up on 35 years. Paul has two daughters. One graduatied from the University of Chicago and had just moved to NYC to try her hand in acting, and the second one is a senior at Princeton and still running for Pete. Our other daughter, Amy,is recently married and living in Washington DC , and my son, Tom (ND '05) is living in Chicago.

A few months later, Paul emailed to say that he would be in Cleveland in late October, which then gave us the opportunity to meet for a long dinner. It was great to see him again after so many years. He looks only slighty older but is still able to run regularly – no knee issues yet, but he hasn't had to haul around 200 plus pounds for years.

As menitoned on earlier comments by others, Barb and I were able to get together with Mark Lies, Ken and Maetta Lefoldt at the UNC game and with John and Mary Mulligan and Brian and Sue Schanning at both John's daughter's wedding on Labor Day weekend and at the UCLA game. Joining us for both games were my son Tom and his girlfriend Annelise Sucato (also ND '05 and daughter of classmate and fellow NROTC grad Paul Sucato).

Barb and I continue to enjoy the hospitality of the very gracious hosts of THE GREAT '68 tailgates.

Bob Raaf