Mike McCormick ceremony, San Diego, April 23rd

Tom Moore has sent this email regarding a ceremony commemorating our classmate Mike McCormick, a casualty of the war in Vietnaml:

 As you know, the Midway Museum Dedication Ceremony wherein Mike McCormick’s recreated A-6 Intruder will be made a permanent exhibit on the deck of the Midway is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. Friday, April 23, 2010.  You are invited!

 Wendy Wagner and Irene McCormick are throwing a poolside party Thursday night (the 22nd) at the Se’ San Diego Hotel, 1047 5th Avenue, San Diego.  You are invited!

 Wendy has arranged a group rate at the Se’ San Diego (a four star hotel) for $149.00 per night.  For reservations call (619) 515-3088 before March 23rd and mention you are with the McCormick Dedication Ceremony.  The group rate may be extended before or after April 22-25 upon request assuming availability. 

 Hope to see you there!

 Tom Moore

Anderson & Moore P.C.

111 W Washington

Suite 1100

Chicago, IL 60602

Phone : 312-251-1500

Joe Kernan returning to Vietnam with Maggie

February 19, 2010

The South Bend Tribune published an article today about Joe Kernan's plans for a visit to Vietnam, 38 years after his experience there as a POW.  The link to the article is: http://www.southbendtribune.com/article/20100218/News01/100219368/1130

Tom Gibbs sent this addition: Bill and Joan Kenealy are among the group that are with Joe and Maggie on the trip. You can see the itinerary at innovativeimmersions.com/Vietnam_Cambodia_Trip.

    They should have some interesting stories on their return.