Pete Kogge Awarded Cray Computer Engineering Prize

Brian Schanning not only noticed the significance of Pete Kogge’s honor.  Brian also noticed the failure to identify Pete as a member of the Class of 1968 when the news appeared in the November, 2012 President’s Newsletter.  Brian’s email appears after this snippet taken from a newsletter article that lists a bevy of notable achievements credited to ND Professor Kogge:

Kogge Named Recipient of IEEE Computer Society 2012 Seymour Cray Award

Notre Dame computer science and engineering professor Peter Kogge, developer of the space shuttle I/O processor, the world’s first multicore processor, and a number of other important innovations has been named the recipient of the IEEE Computer Society’s 2012 Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award.

Kogge, the Ted H. McCourtney Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Notre Dame since 1994, was recognized “for innovations in advanced computer architecture and systems.”

Brian’s note of Nov. 8, 2012:

“Thought I’d mention that fellow classmate Pete Kogge was mentioned in the recent ND President’s Newsletter as winner of the IEEE Computer Society 2012 Seymour Cray Award.  This is a big deal to a geek like me.

” You’d think they might have mentioned that he was part of the Great ’68.  I guess our class has got such a bad rep with the administration that even a straight-arrow EE professor at ND is not to be acknowledged as part of our class in a newsletter article. ”