Gentlemen of the Great ’68,
Many classmates have asked how to honor Joe Kernan – POW, former Mayor of South Bend, Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Indiana and most important, part of the ND Great ’68. To that end, we have made arrangements for a tree and bench to be dedicated in Joe’s honor, that will be located adjacent to each other outside the Matthew and Joyce Walsh Family Hall of Architecture. That way, both are facing the stadium, which was hallowed ground for Joe.
In the spirit of brotherhood and camaraderie that have so long distinguished the Great ’68, we are writing to ask that you all join us in making a contribution to fund this tribute to Joe of either $250, $100, or a funding of your choosing. The amounts were decided to get as many classmates as possible to participate. Total cost of bench and tree is $25,000.
The easiest way to donate is online, via this website that Notre Dame has set up just for this effort: https://giveto.nd.edu/1968. As you can see, this website has pre-selected the allocation for this donation in Joe’s memory, and offers two suggested contribution amounts.
For those who would prefer to donate by check, please make the check out to “University of Notre Dame” and include a notation to designate the gift to “Hon. Joseph E. Kernan Memorial Fund.” Please mail checks to: 1100 Grace Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556. You can also donate by phone by calling (574) 631-5150 and advising that you would like to make a gift to the Joe Kernan Memorial Fund for the Class of ’68.
Any funds raised in excess of the amount for the tree and bench dedication will be designated for the Veteran’s Fund at Notre Dame, which supports the Office of Military and Veteran’s Affairs. This was a designation for gifts to Notre Dame that Maggie Kernan made at the time of Joe’s passing, and we know any contributions made to this effort will also be a fitting way to honor him.
The dedication of the bench and tree will be the Saturday morning of the ND-North Carolina football game October 30th. Events will be held at our classmate’s (Matt/Joyce) Walsh Architectural building. Thank you all in advance for joining us in this effort, and as always, Go Irish!
Tom Weyer – President for Life of the Great ’68 Steve Anderson Fred Ferli Rocky Bleier Tom Figel Gene Cavanaugh Chris Murphy Tom Cuggino Jim O’Rourke Joe Dietz Skip Strzelecki Bryan Dunigan Matt Walsh Tom Durkin