The reunion will begin Thursday, May 30, 2013 and conclude Sunday, June 2, 2013. In between, we’ll do plenty of what we always do when we get together: have fun.
Register for the reunion at As usual, you can dice and slice a little, with the full magilla (per person) priced at $310. The price goes up in early May.
Be sure to watch the blog for announcements you won’t find in the regular reunion packet:
- · Time and location of the class tattoo
- · Climbing of the Dome
- · Important SMC phone numbers
- · Area “Early Bird” Dining Offers
- Chris Murphy’s PIN
Professor Don Costello’s Toast to the Year 1968
delivered June 5, 2003 at Sunny Italy Café:

“I’ve often offered a toast to people; but is it legitimate to toast a year? Only, I would think, if it’s a very special year. I know a year within our lifetimes which is so special it has become mythic, a reverberating part of American culture. It’s a year that is more than historical; it’s defining. It’s the single year that defines social conscience, change, beginnings, yet it contains multitudes, contradictions: violence, anger, yet peace and love, fear and heroism. It means, of course, police riots and bombed-out churches and assassinations, but at Notre Dame it also means growth, and study, and commitment, and friendship and love and remembering. Every class graduates, but not every class rises to the challenge of a mythic year. This one did. So please join me in a toast to 1968!”