The New York Times January 7, 2007 article recommended by Jim O'Rourke, “Mr. Hall Goes to Congress,” is worth reading. Larry Forness, Tom Condon and I met John about the time we all met at the beginning of our freshman year, when Tom, Larry and I lived in Zahm Hall as overflow freshmen waiting for incidents (such as the Michigan Band incident) that would open spaces in freshman quarters. Fifteen or sixteen years old at the time, John had the bearing and confidence of someone older than we – and Larry was coming from the Marines.
Category Archives: This just in. . .
Mike Hampsey – making music and selling it
Mike Hampsey has a new CD of his music at a cost of $20 for classmates. Details from Hamps and former Hill Street roommate John Walsh are:
Hi everybody,
P.O. Box 1433
More good news from Grandfather Tom Cuggino
Tom Cuggino ( had good holiday news:
Good news from Tom Cuggino – healthy son, new granddaughters
From: tom cuggino <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2006 08:29:24 -0800 (PST)
Thanks so much for including a note asking for prayers for my son in his battle with cancer in the last edition of the Notre Dame Magazine.
It looks like all the prayers are being answered. After going through 9 weeks of pre surgery chemo, two surgeries to remove his stomach and 9 weeks of post surgery chemo, we received the best possible news a few weeks ago. Tom's blood markers are normal and his CT scan showed no signs of any cancer. Talk about a happy thanksgiving…!
Please pass along the good news and our thanks for the support. At times like this it's wonderful to belong to the Notre Dame family – and especially the great class of '68.
Happy holidays to all.
Tom Cuggino
p.s. Tom and his wife were also blessed with the arrival of twin girls on August 29th (Adriana and Talia). They join their 4 year old sister Isabella in a really hectic household, so ask everyone to keep the prayers up for a much happier set of issues.
Mike Trombetta in Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Jim Hutchinson sent the following clipping from Honolulu Star-Bulletin Dave Donnelley's column of Oct. 1, 1996 (back when Mike Trobetta's business was small.) Jim also sent his email to Mike during the week before Thanksgiving, 2006:
Mike T.
nice work and maybe if you are not too busy you can suit up with the prep squad and play Mike Garrett before the USC game this weekend Have a great Thanksgiving
Jim Hutch
PIZZA and matzohs: Harpo's owner and founder Mike Trombetta, who now has six Oahu locations and counting, found Harpo's ranked 60th out of the nation's top 100 independent pizza chains in Pizza Today magazine. Unlike some Harpo's locations on the mainland, his outlets here have such goodies as Thai chicken, Mediterranean chicken or artichoke pesto pizza one can choose …
John Hall wins NY seat in U.S Congress
November 8, 2006
John Hall, whose campaign for the U.S. Congress has been followed by Jim O'Rourke, Bob Smith and other Cavanaugh Hall friends, appears victorious with 96 percent of the precincts counted. See
From Glenn Brenneman by way of Bryan Dunigan: Tom Misch's son now with SF Giants
From: Glenn Brenneman []
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:32 PM
To: Burt Brenneman
Subject: pat misch
Giants promote LHP Misch from Triple-A FresnoAssociated Press
A desperate cry for help (finding UCLA tickets) from Brian Schanning
Hi Tom:
Just got around to reading our Class notes. Immediately struck with how
far forward in the notes sections '68 has moved over the years. Second,
was the number of deaths you reported. Having the good sense to be born
in December, I'm still stubbornly holding on to 59, but must sadly
report that Mr. (Robert L.) Brady has succumbed and has been upgraded to an LX model with many of our other classmates.
Real reason for email? Can you point me to anyone that is likely to
have access to or knows where I could get 2 tix to the UCLA game on
10/21. I would like them for some friends of ours who live in Niles,
MI. I tried using Brady's application, but obviously he's not giving
enough, and it didn't win anything.
In return for your help I submit some notes on recent adventures.
Sailing continues to be a major adventure for Sue and me in the summer.
Bob and Margaret Brady joined us aboard our sailboat during a recent
cruise this summer. They were aboard for our passage down the East
River and Manhattan. Despite the overcast skies, we were all grins as
we came around a bend to see the Statue of Liberty bathed in bright
sunlight, despite the gray conditions everywhere else.
Labor Day weekend we traveled to Cleveland to see John and Mary
Mulligan's daughter Jennifer get married. John was my best man, and I
was his best man, which bought me some needed credibility with all the
relatives we got to meet. Also in attendance was classmate Bob Raaf.
Bob, who was also a fellow NROTC grad, kept us informed of the Georgia
Tech scores, via text messages from his son Tom, '05. Sue and I stayed
with the Raafs, who will have their own adventure Sept 16 when daughter
Amy gets married.
Since retiring post the techology bubble, we have been spent summers
sailing our 37 foot sailboat along the Atlantic coast from Cape Breton,
Nova Scotia to the Chesapeake. We're hoping to head down the
Intercoastal Waterway in Fall 07.
Hope all is well and you're back up to full speed again.
Best to Nancy and let me know if you will be at the UCLA game.
Mike Farnam's nephew Alex LaGory a co-producer of “So Goes the Nation” film
John Walsh sent this information about the film “So Goes the Nation.” Mary Michael Farnam's nephew Alex LaGory is a co-producer.
From Bob Smith by way of Jim O'Rourke: John Hall, candidate for Congress, NY
Subject: |
my old next door neighbor in Cavanaugh is in the news |
Date: |
Wed, 23 Aug 200613:57:19 -0400 |
From: |
This should bring back some memories. FR. Mecili's biggest project in our
dorm. Lolla, Jim Chapman's roomie. <1.0 GPA in physics and only 16 at the
(See attached file: Photo.jpg)
J. S. O'Rourke, IV, Ph.D.
Concurrent Professor of Management
Director, The Eugene D. Fanning Center
MendozaCollege of Business
University of Notre Dame
(John Hall's campaign web site is Pete Seeger is one of his endorsers – no mention of Father Miceli.)