Contact NDClass1968

As secretary of the class of 1968, Tom Figel prepares quarterly notes for publication in Notre Dame gives class members and friends the ability to read the notes, along with additional items, months before they appear in print – and without the trimming or other editing that can occur during the magazine’s process.

The material at includes plenty of items and photos contributed by classmates and friends everywhere.  Categories include Classmates Who Have Moved On, Photos of the Photogenic, Class Notes and others.  Comments are welcome.  Use of the blog for discussion or quick alerts is right on the mark.

Reach Tom Figel through Lake Effect Communications, LLC in Chicago, IL, tel. 312-223-9536, or at his home in Chicago, tel. 773-764-4898.  Lake Effect Communications, LLC is a public relations firm providing services to organizations throughout the country.  The firm concentrates on those communicating within and from the Lake Michigan area from Milwaukee, WI through Chicago, IL to South Bend, IN.  The web site is

6 thoughts on “Contact NDClass1968

  1. I am trying to locate information on Juneanne McGrath Byrne, graduated Summer 1968 with an MA in History. I see her listed on deceased list. Does anyone have any information about her death and any contact information on her two children, Mary Catherine and Mark. Thanks.

    • Dear Karen,

      This is Mark Byrne. Juneanne died of cancer in Atlanta 18Dec1993. Mary Katherine died 30May2011 in Los Angeles of alcoholism. I am 59 now and have been a high school teacher in San Diego for 27 years. I was married a year ago and have been on a tour of New England this month looking for a place to retire.
      Please be in touch:619-867-7702,

  2. Do you any info on a student by the name of John Massaro I believe John attended Notre Dame in 1964 ,john was from Albion Ny.Graduated from Albion High School In June 1964

  3. I am a former co-worker of John McCoy in DC. Wondering if there are any updates regarding his demise. Have his remains been found?

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